Intro to the Podcast! Spiritual Awakening: Ignition and Kundalini


Rattle 00:00:00

Jenny LePage 00:00:08

Hi, everyone. This is Jenny LePage, and welcome to the conversation about spiritual awakening, planetary shift in consciousness, adventure, healing, and finding your life path. Today I am really thrilled to share with you what this podcast is all about.

Right now we are experiencing a collective shift in consciousness on planet earth. 

Many people are going through profound awakenings and our culture as a whole is undergoing some really major transformations. The planet itself is heating up. We have major shifts in climate that are just beginning that will continue to intensify. We're really at a dire point where our choices could significantly affect our continued survival. And this is a time of Prophecy. 

Many different cultures point to this time right now, as a time of big change. A time when big shifts are happening. It's a new world, a new age, a great turning, the end of time. We have the Eagle and the Condor prophecy. We have the time of the rainbow people. Some call it a new Pachakuti or a new Yuga. We talk about paradigm shifts. Ascension, the fifth dimension. Unconditional love, Hui Yai yai!

These are a lot of words, and really just some of the words. There are many more that talk about what we are experiencing right now on the planet. We're in a shifting age and we have a lot of cycles within cycles, coming to a point of overlap right now. It's a culmination of a number of powerful points in space and time. We might even see it as a portal. 

So, what do we do? How do we move through this? A lot of people are really looking for ways to live a more spiritual path, a path that feels more authentic, something more in harmony with life, with Earth, with our own deepest self. 

So, what I'm doing here is having conversations that support the shift we are going through, both individually on a planetary level. 

When we put our energy into something, that is what we encourage to grow. No one really has all the answers here, but when we share in the conversation, when we talk about these things, that is what we cultivate. My Shiatsu teacher in massage school would always say energy flows where our attention goes. And it is totally true. When we focus on something, that is what we encourage, that's what expands.  So, if we put our energy into shifting to a more spiritual path, then that is what will be more likely to happen. If we focus on connecting with the earth and figuring out how to support life, how to thrive as humans in a sustainable way with a lot of joy, that is more likely to happen. When we try and figure out how to weather these shifting times, then, again, we will be more likely to mitigate the challenges that are upon us right now with more success. 

Humans are super genius. And we just need to focus. We need to choose what we focus on. So, if we put our focus on moving through a shift in consciousness, with more lightness, more balance, more ease, then again, that is what is more likely to happen. 

So, once again, no one really has all the answers. This is not so much about answering all the questions as much as it is about creating an orientation. So, if we have an orientation that is looking toward the light, looking toward the truth, to the center, to the source, the inner self, the holy place, then this becomes the guide, the focus for our path. 

This podcast is to help deepen that path. Our own true, authentic inner journey.  So, we're talking a lot about awakening here. What does it really mean to awaken? What is spiritual awakening? 

We might have a lot of different ideas about this. And one of the ways I find really helpful to wrap our minds around this is by looking at it from the really neutral perspective of biodynamic cranial sacral therapy. This is one of the modalities that I practice in my healing work. It has its lineage in a branch of osteopathy called cranial osteopathy. It's a fascinating practice, and in this system, it can be said that we experience a process that is called transmutation.  

So, this involves a stepping-down process from the more subtle energies into more dense energies of the human. At the very moment of conception is when it all begins. 

We have this first layout of our DNA we can think of as a perfect blueprint of our potential. It is like the intention of a human to incarnate begins here. And this moment is marked by what we call our first ignition. We have this flash of light, this energy that can be measured scientifically when we are looking at moment of fertilization. There is a potency that ignites with a fiery force. And, interestingly, this original point of conception is ultimately remnant at the very center of the cranium, the center of the head, at a specific place called the third ventricle, that is actually a space. So, we have a space in the center of our head, and cerebral spinal fluid flows through it. 

It's right behind the bone called the sphenoid. which touches all the bones of the cranium and it's also really close in proximity to the pineal and pituitary glands, also some really important ones.

This point of conception. This first ignition center is a highly powered place that lines up directly with what is known as the crown chakra at the top of the head and also at the third eye which is at the forehead and has a backside on the back of the head on the occipital plate. The crown chakra connects us with cosmic consciousness, and it also correlates to a point on the top of the head known as du 20 in Chinese medicine, or Bai Wei. People refer to it as the “place of 100 meetings.” There's a lot going on here in a lot of different traditions. It is held in really high regard, both revered and also treated with great caution depending on the culture and the practices. 

After this first ignition, our embryological development continues. We continue the stepping-down process, this process of becoming human, matter from energy and we become more dense in our form in this holographic system that we are part of, all things are encoded in each other, and from this whole we form the individual that is at the same time connected to the whole. 

We become more human as we step down. We go through this wild journey embryologically as we're developing in the womb. Tissues are opening and closing and forming and dissolving and becoming new things. It's really a wild, incredible process we go through. 

And then we have our second ignition when the primordial heart folds into what we call the embryonic midline, our midline at the time we are developing in this process. And then the second ignition, the heart ignition, is when the heart field alivens and awakens. 

The heart center is an incredibly important and central aspect of our whole being, one that makes us more physically embodied and many people call a bridge between heaven and Earth. So, we're continuing our stepping down process here, and then our energy centers continue to activate through all the major chakras. A chakra is a word in Sanskrit, the Sanskrit language, that it literally means wheel. It's a vortex of energy. We have these wheels, these seven major energy centers. There are other ones, too. But seven main chakras we can think of that start at the crown, move to the third eye, the throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral plexus, all the way down to the root. The root at the tailbone is where our energy is the most dense. And this energy really connects us with the Earth.  

Then, at our first breath, when we take our very first breath, we experience the final and third ignition. The final ignition center alights, which is the umbilicus, right at the belly button. And this is also the same region as what is called the Dantien in Chinese medicine or Tanden in Japanese. This is a major area, a major energy center. A lot of different things are happening here in the front and the back and kind of above and below the umbilicus area, that's a big zone here. In the back we have what is called Mingmen, or Meinmo in Japanese. Mingmen is Chinese. And directly opposite the belly button. People refer to this as the gate of vitality or the life gate.

This area is where people sometimes say, this is where the chi first enters the body. And again, we can look at this a lot of different ways. But no matter how we look at it, this is a really important energetic center for a number of different reasons. 

So, when we take that first breath, that, umbilicus, center alights. Ignition happens. And then we're fully human. We're a separate being, individual, fully formed, breathing on our own. And that is a really powerful process.  

We have those ignitions after this continue throughout life. It doesn't just stop, that's it, we're done. We continue. 

So, now we have this pattern of ignition that keeps happening, keeps going throughout the rest of our life, really. And what happens is that we continue to transmutate from energy into matter as a human all the time. So, then we get into what happens in a bigger sort of awakening experience. So, we have this continual process of connection with spirit, and at the same time, we also have sort of stored energy that happens at the base of the spine, sort of like a reservoir of energy that is poised and ready to go back to its cosmic origins. 

And here we have the sacrum. So, at the base of the spine, this big, dense, upside down, triangle shaped bone that people refer to in Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy as the waterbed of consciousness.

So, the sacrum, this dense, heavy, fluid-filled structure, is sort of like spring loaded, ready to release its energy back to the source, this creative energy back to the conception point at the third ventricle, again at the center of the head. And we do this pattern over and over, in something called the cranial wave. So, this pattern of energy, this poised energy, will rise itself back up naturally back to its source place at the third ventricle, and then up and out through the crown, through the third eye.  

And I know that some of you might be thinking, oh, I know what she's talking about here. And there is a lot of similarity happening with other systems and traditions. So, this might sound familiar to some of you, and it's true. We can really easily compare this to the nadi lines of Ayurveda and the Sushumna, the main channel. And also, in the Hindu scriptures of India, this energy is referred to as Kundalini, or the Kundalini Shakti. 

And people will depict this as a snake or a serpent. Maybe two of them, Ida and Pingala. They might be called the masculine and feminine aspects of this. This serpent energy wraps around the sacrum three and a half times, coiled and ready to rise. When this great potential and creative energy is released, This. Is. Awakening!!!

A lot of people think of this awakening process, a Kundalini awakening or a Kundalini rising, as a one-time deal, one big release of that shakti. But the truth is. But the truth is, what goes up must come down. It's really a continuous process. We want a continually balanced circuit that flows up and flows down, connecting us to the cosmos and back again, to the more individual human earth life. 

So even though I just said we want a constant current, we also do have bigger movements, a bigger release of this kundalini energy that really does happen in something that feels mord like an event when there's a huge movement like that happening. A big, big, big release. And that's the classic kundalini awakening experience that often involves huge changes in life, maybe in perception and outward direction, life circumstance, things can really get shaken up.

Oftentimes, people might feel a lot of big body sensations, a lot of awareness. and a feeling of a huge re-connection with the spirit, with Oneness. This sort of thing can happen all at once with a lot of force. And this is where we can get into of these truly blissful states feeling connected with everything, one. And, also this is where problems can happen too. 

It's like we get an upgrade, a big surge of energy but anywhere that our energy might be a little bit blocked,  

This might be where we have symptoms that are uncomfortable or challenging. It might involve physical discomfort or maybe an emotional problem or a spiritual concern. For instance, a lot of people experience a big increase in their inner vision, their intuition or their psychic awareness which is happening around the third eye. That's where that center is located. And while it might sound really fun, it can actually be really overwhelming. And sometimes for people it can be really disturbing or even just useless because it's like a bunch of radio channels coming through all at once. 

It might be too much. People might experience headaches, pains, visual disturbances, that sort of thing. And it can be pretty uncomfortable. Someone might need to learn how to work with this, maybe how to create a filter, how to learn how to let energy flow in and out in a balanced way with this new sort of upgrade.

Maybe some things need to be cleared out of the way for this to be able to happen more smoothly. 

A lot of times a heart center can really open dramatically, and if it's been really blocked, it might lead to a feeling of a powerful rush of great love and potentially, or also great sadness or despair. 

When we really see, when we really feel much more deeply into our human experience and the collective human and planetary experience and all the unnecessary suffering that we have happening right now on the Earth, we see that we're one, and we actually can feel what other people feel and it can be a really powerful experience. 

We might need help navigating that, working through our emotional experience, our relational field. Maybe our nervous system is really jolted and needs to quiet down. 

Maybe there is some work that might need to be done in the solar plexus region, that power center right around where the stomach is located at the centerline of the upper abdomen. Blockages here might involve nausea. Maybe a process of working on stepping forward with some scary decisions, that sort of thing. 

Sometimes these awakenings can happen spontaneously. Sometimes they are more drawn out. They can happen through meditation practice or chanting practice, or study, really intensive spiritual study. They can happen after extremely challenging life experiences and then also through a number of extensive practices that are meant specifically for this process to happen that clear the channels and draw this energy up. 

A lot of times, just spending time in nature, in the wilderness, can bring this energy forward. Working with plant medicines, maybe doing bodywork, therapies meridian, therapies like acupuncture or Shiatsu, or doing shamanic healing, all these things can encourage or open the pathway for a big release, a big movement of kundalini energy. 

This major cranial wave, this energy, brings us back to our source. The thing is to keep in mind how to try and work with it at the pace that is most appropriate for each individual.

Getting support with the process, of course, can be really helpful, like with a knowledgeable spiritual teacher, maybe someone who can help with support clearing the path or maybe with some energy work. 

Oftentimes, what I see is that as people work through this process is that they become more empowered to live their lives more authentically. And that is always a really good sign. If you're wondering, am I going through an awakening? Am I not going through an awakening? What's happening? And if you find that you feel more at peace and at home in yourself, that you feel more power coming from within, that is always a really great sign that you're on a good path, and there might still be difficulty, but when you feel that sort of peace, yeah, this is what I'm supposed to be doing—that's a really good marker that you're doing the right thing.

However an awakening occurs, you really just want to do it at a pace that you can handle and not overcharge your system. And we really can work with it. We often actually have a lot of choice in how fast we welcome this process. We can take breaks when we want to, when we need to take breaks. We can set ourselves up for more movement when it's a good time, and we can encourage that movement to happen when it feels like the right time to do that. We really can choose quite a bit and work with it, and sometimes we can't, and that's when we will yield to that process as it happens. But we do have quite a bit of choice as well. 

What people might not talk about quite as much is a feeling of darkness that can precede and follow these big awakening moments. A lot of times, people refer to them as a dark night of the soul. And really, after the rise of that Kundalini Shakti, there is a fall. And the integration, the coming down, the embodiment of that Kundalini awakening might take some time and some serious work.

Everybody's really different. The more that we learn to work with these energies, with these processes, which we develop through our increased awareness, we really can learn to direct our lives with more ease, more lightness, more peace. More success. 

One of the best things I recommend for anyone going through or wishing to experience more awakening is to spend time in nature, spend time with the Earth, with the land. 

We have evolved over millennia in sync with natural biorhythms of the Earth. Real time. The movements of the solar system, the galaxy, all the cosmos, the rhythm of the whole universe. The universe before this one that we hear about in quantum physics. People call this, in Sanskrit, people use this word, spanda, that means the pulse of the universe. And we know this pulse. We know it even if we don't cognitively grasp all of it. We know it because we're part of it. Just being in the field of a natural place that is full of life, maybe a forest, a garden, a body of water, even just a patch of dirt somewhere is something that we recognize on a really deep level that helps sync us with these natural rhythms, the natural forces of life, help that awakening, encourage awakening to happen. 

This sort of time in nature can help reconnect us to the real grid, the real matrix or the energetic web that we are all part of. And sometimes we just forget this in our dense human physical form. these senses that really only take in and process—and we know this—we only process a small part of the whole that is happening in the bigger world around us. 

A lot of the experience of awakening—the reconnection with cosmic consciousness—cannot really be spoken or fit entirely into words. But we can directly experience these higher states of consciousness ourselves. It is really part of everyone's journey. We are made for this very experience. 

Ocarina (Jenny)

And that is a little bit about spiritual awakening and what is happening through the perspective of one modality, the cranial sacral modality, which is one way to look at it all. Of course, there are many ways. Our spirit really just naturally looks to return to its source. And what is more important than that?

When we support each other, when we put our energy into that, we really amplify that process. And what really is better than time with a sacred, time in holy space? What if we recognize that all of life is divine, that humans are divine, that Earth is actually a magical paradise? 

We might do things a lot differently. If we all keep looking in that direction. The more and more of us who do we look into Nature, we look into our inner selves, and we call to the center of our soul with reverence that center of all things. And we use that as our guide. We're going to have a lot more awesome of a world.

We will be exploring topics like this, and we will be interviewing, welcoming a number of awesome guests who offer a really wide range of perspective on consciousness, spirituality, and planetary awakening. They have a lot of great, great skills and gifts, a lot of great teachers masters that are in the lineup, and I’m really excited to talk with all of them and bring them to you. 

Thank you for listening today. You can become a supporter of the show and find out more at And, also, if you have questions or things you would like to talk about, you can always leave a comment on the website or send a message in the contact form and we just might talk about your questions!

Right away, coming up in the next few weeks, we have a really awesome lineup of interviews with some well-known Boulder and Bozeman locals, all really respected in their fields of work, and we will hear their take on spiritual awakening and planetary shift in consciousness and how they apply that to their lives and to the world. I’m super excited to share it with you, and we will see you then!

Drum (Jenny)

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Jenny LePage

Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy, Shiatsu, Massage Therapy, Shamanic Healing, and Spiritual Guidance with Jenny LePage, BCST, LMT

Kareen Erbe: Hope and Resilience in Permaculture

